Dutile and Sons Oil Company, Inc.
242 Messer Street, Laconia, NH 03246
(603) 524-5217  |  [email protected]
trusted for over 90 years

Auto Delivery Application

Please CLICK HERE to read our Terms and Conditions.

Full Name




Zip Code

Phone Number

Email Address

Color of House

Tank Size (In Gallons)

Number of Gallons used in a year

Help us get oil to you quickly.
Choose the number closest to your fill pipe.

Please don't forget to shovel a path!

Payment Method

Oil-fired hot water system?

signature Please put your initials in the box

I have read and agree to the terms and conditions and that the initials in the box above will serve as my electronic signature.

I understand that someone from Dutile & Sons will be contacting me as this application is processed.